shipping related issues

Qn: Why there’s a delay ? 

When there’s uncontrollable situations like custom inspection, clearance delay, or bad weather ,your shipment will be delay.


Qn: Can i cancel my shipment ? 

No, once the parcel is generated to ship, we can’t cancel it for you any more.

It could have already been packed and handled to logistic company even the status has not been updated yet.



Qn: Can i  consolidate my orders from different warehouse ? 

No, only orders from the same warehouse with the same shipment method can be consolidated together.



Qn: why is my item charged heavier than it weighs  ? 

The item may have a larger volumetric weight. (Click to see what is that ) .



Qn: Can i ship over-size / odd size items ? 

Yes, but over-length fee will be incurred for the length of item .The actual charge depends on the product type and length, will be advised before shipping out. Ask me before you made any purchase.



Qn: Can i ship fragile items ?

Yes, we do ship some of the fragile items but not all of them. Certain items are very difficult to be protected well, like big mirrors, extremely delicate carvings, etc. They have a high chance to get damaged during international shipping.

NOTE : No compensation for Fragile items .Do consider before ship out .



Should you have any other Payment related issues, please drop me an email

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